Fizjoterapia wad postawy u dzieci

Physiotherapy of postural defects in children

Aktualizacja 7 October 2024

Physiotherapy of posture defects in children and the youngest is an offer for parents who would like to support the healthy development of their child. The proper motor development of the baby should be taken care of at every stage of childhood. Preschool and school age is a period of intensive mental and physical development. 

Today’s sedentary lifestyle, limiting movement in favor of using electronics adversely affects the physical and intellectual development of children. Posture defects, cancer, diabetes, obesity, anorexia, depression, heart disease and reduced or increased muscle tone are the nightmare. Physiotherapy is the right form of help for children who need physical rehabilitation.

Movement – a natural need of a child

The baby should move a lot. Walks, sports, running around the playground, trips have a very good effect on the child’s development. It is not without reason that physiotherapists, doctors and psychologists recommend limiting electronic stimuli, e.g. telephone, computer, television. Channels with cartoons cannot be a free time killer and educators of children. The youngest need fresh air and lots of exercise. With the development of civilization, more and more children at preschool age have problems with the correct body posture and must use physiotherapy.

Common defects in preschoolers and school-aged children are: flat feet and valgus knees. This is another indication for physiotherapy,  during which comprehensive work on muscle strengthening and postural control is carried out. Posture defects are a common problem in children with neurological problems.

Defects of posture in children – civilization disease

Poor posture in the youngest is a civilization disease – preschoolers already have problems. Early school age is usually a deepening of posture defects. Physiotherapy helps in the fight against the “crooked spine” and must be undertaken before the maturation of the skeletal system ends. Correct body posture should be taken care of from the first days of life. Particularly important is the right amount of exercise – frequent visits to the playground and the use of devices designed to play, and at the same time to exercise balance and motor coordination. Pool classes and rehabilitation exercises during physical education and physiotherapy classes are great and very helpful for the skeletal system .During the period of the most intensive growth, it is very important to maintain the correct working posture and teach the child how to sit upright. A professional physiotherapist adjusts the therapy plan to the posture defect, age and capabilities of the little patient.  Physiotherapy in the case of posture defects must be carried out systematically for a long time – 10 treatments and a few exercises are not enough to straighten the spine. The most common posture defect in children is scoliosis, which is caused by the lack of movement and incorrect sitting posture.

How to recognize postural defects?

Detection of posture defects does not require specialized tests or very expensive examinations. The first disturbing changes can be noticed by a vigilant parent. Any asymmetries, e.g. of the pelvis, shoulders, shoulder blades, rounded back, belly strongly pushed forward and protruding butt, hump, inequality of the lower limbs, valgus and varus knees, walking on the outside or inside of the feet, walking on toes, setting the feet inwards, pain in the spine, shoulders, hips and knees, protruding or sunken sternum. If a parent notices any of the irregularities mentioned above, he or she should take the child to a pediatrician, orthopedist or physiotherapist and start physiotherapy. Posture defects can cause pain, negatively affect the figure, and thus the self-esteem of a young person. Over 70% of children in Poland have been diagnosed with posture defects. Heavy school backpacks, sitting in desks for many hours, too short breaks do not help the youngest in the rehabilitation of posture defects. A frequent and unforgivable mistake of parents from the point of view of physiotherapy are dismissals in physical education lessons due to “curvature of the spine”. Every physical activity is recommended because it strengthens the muscles. The cause of posture defects can also be injuries, accidents and prolonged immobilization. In addition to physiotherapyunder the supervision of a specialist, independent exercises at home are necessary. In the treatment of posture defects, regularity is the most important. Physiotherapy offices usually have a prepared offer for children with posture defects and provide a full range of assistance. The youngest patients and their parents will also find help in rehabilitation clinics where treatments are performed and specialists determine a set of exercises for the child.

An old and well-known saying says that prevention is better than cure. In the case of posture defects in children, the best method of prevention is movement. Going out for an hour to the playground, playing football, cycling, long walks or active relaxation at the swimming pool are excellent preventive methods. They perfectly strengthen the muscles and skeletal system. Physiotherapy   is a good idea to encourage physical activity.


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